The marvelous works of Feng Zhengjie are colorful, opulent, powerful, unique… Some might even say provocative! But of what are these paintings actually imprinted? Read on to discover one of Kitsch’s pioneer artist’s inspirations and artistic journey.

There exists in your paintings a very sharp confrontation between tradition & modernity. Where does it originate from?
Feng Zhengjie: In my work, two things influence me: Chinese traditional folk drawing and modern advertising. The first comes from my childhood. When the Spring festival would arrive, every family would buy vivid and luminous folkloric drawings to decorate their houses. I very much appreciated this style of art. Several of my ideas are certainly inspired by it. As for modern advertising, it follows fashion and is very impressive. I like trying to create a junction between these two opposites.
Your portraits are reminiscent of Andy Warhol’s Marilyn, can you elaborate?
Feng Zhengjie: Marilyn Monroe is one of my models. I enjoy painting celebrities and movie stars. The crucial element in the choice of my inspiration is beauty. It is therefore normal that the public makes such an association.
Women, women & more women; do you believe you will someday change muse?
Feng Zhengjie: Actually, I did not intentionally choose this topic. My emotions have led me to it. I am very comfortable when I paint women (laughs). Thus I will continue to follow my emotions by painting pictures of women.
What is evoked by the sidelong glances in all your works?
Feng Zhengjie: It is the sense of moving gazes. In China, I feel a mindset, a mindset where we want to see everything. You know, in the process of opening, Chinese people saw more and more new things. They became curious and eager to learn, to observe, to absorb. This curiosity is very strong for all Chinese. At the same time, all these innovations eventually dazed them and they began wondering how to go about making choices. Thus, given the opening of the society and the environment, the Chinese are in a situation where curiosity and perplexity coexist. This is the message I wish to convey with the eyeballs that are staring on opposite directions.
The colors that you use seem almost unreal. What are your techniques for rendering volume, luminosity and texture to your color palette?
Feng Zhengjie: Vivid colors are my favorite because I find them expressive and tense: loaded with meaning. In using them, I hope to express my ideas and emotions with force as well as my feelings towards this society. I mainly choose mainly red, green and white. It is believed that I apply fluorescent colors but this is not the case. Technically, I mix colors in the simplest and most traditional manner. The fluorescent effect is created by the sharp contrast between colors.
Many think that criticism and provocation are hiding in your paintings, what do you think?
Feng Zhengjie: Maybe! But more modestly, I mostly try to find a way to express my emotions, not to criticize or be provocative. Behind these images of women in my works can be found firstly emotion but also forms of criticism, provocation, introspection…
A new understanding of the world. Because I am a person who lives in this country at this moment. On the one hand, people watch a new world that has changed considerately. For example, they can acquire knowledge in the contact with these new things, improve their quality of life and have more opportunities to flourish. It positive. On the other hand, this new world also brings changes, not only material but also in value judgments. For example, feelings of anxiety in the face of extreme materialization. It’s negative. My view is like a coin with two sides.
My works convey a state of mind: curiosity and perplexity between which exists a conflict.
The art circle regards you as a pioneer of Kitsch painting, what do you think?
Feng Zhengjie: This comment now exists for over 10 years. Kitsch is a sort of understanding. I believe that is reasonable to some extent. But when I paint I do not question whether it is kitsch or not. Art circles are perhaps judging my art as kitsch, but this is not why I chose bright colors. My rule is to follow my emotions that in turn lead me to paint with my colors, my style and my subjects.
Will you continue with the kitsch style?
Feng Zhengjie: I do not know. I will change when my current emotion is no longer present or when new ideas will surface. For an artist, inspiration is not fixed, it flows, it happens naturally. When I have inspiration, I look for a way to express it, to share it. My painting is determined by the object that inhabits it.
To be honest, vivid and bright colors are my favorite: I was born with them! If this ever changes it will be an overwhelming shock (laughs)! Of course, I will not enclose myself within.
Have you planned any recent exhibitions?
Feng Zhengjie: Touring and solo exhibitions are in preparation. However time and location will be decided after my new works are completed.
To conclude, can you tell us which experience has been the most influential on your creations?
Feng Zhengjie: It is difficult to say as all experiences are important. I have memories at all stages. Some are nice, others are difficult. The process to fulfill a wish or a target is always complicated. But once you have experienced it you feel satisfied. I will never forget the period of my studies in Sichuan Arts College because all my knowledge and understanding of the arts start from there.
In your opinion, which are the essential qualities for an artist?
Feng Zhengjie: Actually I see four: sensitivity, fidelity, independence and free spirit.
*Article extracted from pebeo. Images extracted from the internet and belong to their rightful owners.