Yang Gallery | Art, Love, Beyond – Duo Solo Exhibition


Exhibition Title
Art, Love, Beyond – Duo Solo Exhibition

Kim Byung Kyu, Lee Cheol Kyu

15 May – 25 Jun 2024

581 Orchard Road, #01-11 Voco Orchard, Singapore 238883

Yang Gallery

DOSELAB, K BOOSTER, The Spa, Valmont


Walking in the city
Man: 63 x 30 x 30cm / Woman: 52 x 40 x 19cm
Stainless Steel & Marble & Urethane Paint

Urban Surf
44 x 22 x 39cm
Stainless Steel & Marble & Urethane Paint

With You
56 x 16 x 43cm
Stainless Steel & Marble & Urethane Paint

With Surf
85 x 20 x 77cm
Stainless Steel & Marble & Urethane Paint

With You
45 x 32 x 65cm
Stainless Steel & Marble & Urethane Paint

Kim Byung Kyu

Kim Byung Kyu was born in South Korea in 1978, the professor of Sculpture Department at Sungshin Women’s University. Doctor of Fine Arts.

The modern city has become a complex space that exists as both a realm of production and consumption and a provider of fantasies. By incorporating images of individuals and the city, I aimed to express consumer culture and the desires of modern individuals. I depicted the constant flux of the urban environment and the fast-paced reality of urban life, while also portraying human figures in a vibrant manner, reflecting the flow of modern culture and emphasizing the symbiotic relationship between humans and urban culture.

In this exhibition, I intensely captured the daily changes in life and the varying desires through the combination of color and shadow. Moreover, by utilizing lighting effects, I sought to represent the vitality and life force of urban dwellers, with the brightness levels transitioning between light and shadow, symbolizing the continuous exchange between the city and its inhabitants. The merging of people’s movements and light emphasized the dynamism of the city, highlighting the city’s liveliness with each step representing a different expression.

The use of stairs expanded the range of movement for the figures. Climbing stairs requires courage to pursue one’s path and perseverance to ascend quietly. Perhaps, enjoying one’s journey in one’s own way to reach the desired destination may be an essential element of our current era.

50 x 45cm
Acrylic on canvas

100 x 100cm
Acrylic on canvas

Colorful Emotion no.9
73 x 60cm
Acrylic on canvas

Colorful Emotion no.3
116 x 80cm
Acrylic on canvas

Colorful Emotion no.7
100 x 100cm
Acrylic on canvas


Lee Cheol Kyu

Lee Cheol Kyu was born in South Korea in 1973, and graduated from Chonnam National University, Korea
B.A in Fine Arts Specialty, 1999
M.A in Fine Arts Specialty , 2002

My work is a storytelling of healing emotions for those who have been hurt, arising from the process of living intertwined with one another. In the swiftly flowing time, we carry various emotions and unintentionally inflict and receive wounds through our relationships. Sustaining relationships without effort is difficult, and often one person’s comfort comes at the expense of another’s discomfort. These emotions are interpreted and expressed in contrasting perspectives, creating conflicts and diverse feelings.

I aim to design and portray these emotions, adding various colors, to present them as beautiful and enjoyable forms for those weary of the harsh reality. Furthermore, I incorporate all stories of life, reflecting on our relationships and the way we view the world, in hopes of evoking memories and nurturing new hopes through my artwork.


Contact Us
📞+65 83891888 / info@yanggallery.com.sg